Saturday, May 30, 2009

More on beans, the magical fruit

Beans are good veggies for athletic folks or pips who just want to maintain their weight. Besides the abundant phytochemicals and antioxidants, they pack the most fiber and protein (half a cup = two ounces of meat and seafood) among our plant friends. All the fiber fills you up, so that should keep you from eyeing the dessert tray.

If you're not that into beans, you can trick yourself by secretly adding them to your salad, salsa, ground-meat type stuff (like spaghetti sauces and sloppy joes). If you puree cooked beans, you can add them to your soups, stews, and sauces.

See our sister blog to learn why the bean is also called the musical fruit. For more high-brow stuff on beans, see also our previous blabber.