Friday, June 26, 2009

Picking the best melondramatic fruits

Melons (such as watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew) are delish and stuffed with goodness. Their colors give you a hint of their superpowers. The cantaloupe is brimming with vitamin C and beta-carotene; honeydew has loads of folate; watermelon has super high levels of citrulline, which the body converts to nitric oxide (relaxes your blood vessels and lowers your blood pressure).

Some studies have shown that melons could help with anxiety, stress, panic attacks, as well as stroke and heart disease. And the beta carotene can't be bad for your eyes.

OK, OK, so we love melons. But how do you pick one?

A good melon:
  • Is heavy for its size
  • Sounds hollow when you tap it (if it has a dull thud, it might be overripe)
  • Is brightly colored
  • Has a yellow spot (the fruit ripened on the vine, not the warehouse)
  • Plays well with others, including the ugly fruits